Covid 19

We have just restarted a limited club night, as of the 21st of October.The venue we are using at the moment is the Sir David English Leisure Centre (part of BH Live), on East Way, Bournemouth. BH8 9PZThe sessions are on Wednesday evenings 8:30pm to 10:00pm. Please note that these are NOT turn up and play sessions. All places have to be booked in advance via the Playwaze website, courtesy of Badminton England. As the cost to hire these courts is very expensive compared to our normal venues, each session is £6.00 per player. If you do not attend, you will still have to pay. If you cannot come after having booked, it is important that you cancel your booking on the Playwaze site, so someone else can take your place. As long as someone is available to take your place then you will not have to pay.We currently have 24 spaces each week, but could add more if the demand is there.If you would like to go, you will need to first of all register on the Playwaze site. You then need to click on Activities/Club Night/Date you want to go then click on “I am going”. If the session is full up, you will go into the resereve pot and will be notified if a place becomes available.Please note that we have special Covid rules in place for these sessions as per guidance from government and Badminton England.

It is up to each and every player to NOT book into a session (or to cancel it ASAP) if you have any symptoms of covid19,  however mild, or are having to self isolate. Every player attending MUST read the risk assessment below and agree to follow all the rules. In particular, there will be NO physical contact with other players including NO hand shaking or high fives at the end of a game. Shuttles allocated to your bubble must NOT be shared with other bubbles. Equipment must not be shared. Face masks must be worn when entering and leaving the leisure centre and players must socially distance by 2m at all times except whilst playing on court. No spectators are permitted (except a single parent/carer of any juniors, who are not anticipated to attend at this time anyway). Whilst you may use toilets, you are not allowed to use any changing room facilities, including the showers.Players will be allocated to a bubble in advance by myself, or by our assistant covid officer, Massimo D’Angelo. Players can ONLY play with other players from their own bubble, against the bubble that you have been allocated against. Any rotation within your bubble is okay, but if you are not playing, then the 2m social distancing rule must be kept to. Each bubble will have two courts to use and can rotate to allow all players to have an equal number of games. Please take it in turns to play and rotate to allow as much variety as possible. We can in the future have a more rigid format of play IF players are not happy with doing it informally between themselves. Please note that there may be some new players joining us with unknown ability at this time. Be kind and do not get upset if they are not up to your expectations! We will probably all be very ropey  and unfit having not played for quite a while anyway!! DO NOT change ends!

If you would like to attend, you must also read the following risk assessment.risk-assessment-FlukeySDE